Sunday, May 31, 2015

Leading with Courage Integrity and Purpose - by Bro. Reginald Hairston

2015 12th District Meeting - Founder's Banquet Speech - Presented by Bro. Reginald Hairston (3-BDD-87) - May 30, 2015

Bro. David Forbes, District Marshal (2-BDD-96)

Leading with Courage Integrity and Purpose
Good evening.  It is truly good and pleasant to stand before the massive 12th District.  [Protocol greetings]. 
Today, we stand on the edge of Omega’s unfolding story.   Yesterday’s testament has already been recorded, today the purple pen of Omega is completing a new page at this very moment and tomorrow’s page is blank. TOMMOROW’S PAGE IS BLANK.  As we move forward as an organization, and as a district, we must chart a strategic vision for writing tomorrow’s story.  In other words my brothers, we must clearly understand our purpose going forward?  Ensure the purpose we envision is relevant, and then create a roadmap to the future.
By show of hands, who is under the age of 30?  On November 17th, 1911 Brother Love was 20 years old and Brothers Coleman and Cooper were 21.  Look at what they accomplished!  Brothers, to remain relevant, we must capitalize on the talents of our young brothers.  We will learn to see the world through young eyes or watch it slowly become unrecognizable to our old ones.  Young brothers, it is your obligation to be heard and to help lead us into tomorrow.     

With the exception of a handful of Omega men, none of us can really appreciate the obstacles to success that existed at the beginning of the 20th century.  What we do know in retrospect is now quite obvious.  Even though our founders faced significant challenges, they were able to plant a seed that has grown into a mighty forest.  They had a strategic plan, and Omega thrived because their vision was relevant to the times.  When black America needed men of courage who could show the world that we as a people were capable of greatness, Omega Men led the way.  When we as a people were down, Omega men said “get on your feet,” when some wanted to quit, Omega men said, “Even hope may seem but futile when with troubles you’re beset.”  When the country we loved beat us until our heads were bloodied, Omega men showed us how to remain unbowed.  When people of color were looking for a way to get over, Omega men built bridges.  We stand on the foundation of perseverance and proudly pay homage to an Army Colonel who rode his horse from Wilberforce, Ohio to Washington D.C. to show himself still fit for duty.  We speak with pride of those who preceded us because we have much to be proud of.  In fact, the only organization in the world that holds its past traditions and accomplishments in such high regard, to the same degree we do, is the United States Marine Corps.  Now, I know I’m bias, so before my Army, Navy and Air Force brothers try to take me to the grass, I humbly beg your forgiveness. 

Ours is a legacy steeped in a tradition of service to humanity.  It is unfortunate that we have not shaped the narrative of our great organization in a fashion that makes politicians, teachers, judges, clergy and others actively seek out the services of Omega.  Too often we hear about the young knucklehead who made a mistake and in doing so tarnished the name of Omega.  Now, my hypocrisy only goes so far, so for the sake of integrity, I must admit that I was once a young knucklehead.  I have just been blessed to live long enough to see Omega the way I believe the founders envisioned it.  A community of friends focused on bringing hope to others through our unselfish acts of service.  Now, most of us don’t see ourselves as young knuckleheads anymore, or should I just drop the adjective “young?”  In any case, we believe in the cause of Omega or we wouldn’t be here, but it’s time for all the chatter to stop.  It’s time to create a strategic roadmap to the future.  It’s time to develop a strategic communications plan that capitalizes on the age of social media.  We need to get in front of CNN and the news agencies.  We need to make our story known.  When we do so, when the world knows our true nature, they will seek us out.  When young boys see our example, they will aspire to grow up to be just like you and you, and they will one day stand on the edge of Omega’s history as we are standing here today.  Somebody may be saying that it is not our nature to serve with the purpose of being seen.  I absolutely agree, but we are seen!  It is now almost impossible not to be seen, so lets shine the spotlight on what makes us special -- Our love for true brotherhood and service.  We need to control the narrative!  I guarantee you that when this weekend concludes, you will be able to go to YouTube and find every public act committed by a brother this weekend.  Let’s make sure the social media audience takes away more than “The Ques love stepping.  The Ques are fanatics when it comes to the song “Atomic Dog!  The Ques can party harder than any other Greek organization.”  Why not place a counter message out there.  One that shows how many service projects the 12th District completes; how much money is raised for scholarships, how our efforts to mentor young men is paying dividends.  The lists go on and on, so why not show that we are relevant for the world today and tomorrow.  Why not!  A true son of Omega should only be able to form one answer:  We are relevant today and will work to ensure we are relevant tomorrow.  It is time to stand up and charge the future as men focused on improving our lot and the lot of our nation through educated minds.  Determined to persevere regardless of the costs and committed to uplifting mankind.  I issue the following challenge to every chapter, graduate and undergraduate:  invite a member of the media to cover at least one event your chapter sponsors.  Collect the positive narratives and pass them to the District leadership.  For the District leadership, I challenge you to invite the media to spotlight the good works occurring here in the collective 12th District.  Pass the story to the grand leadership and challenge them to push for national coverage.  Endstate:  I want the entire country to hear our story and say, “I didn’t know…”  Brothers, it is okay for us to tell the good news of Omega.  This is our duty and the purpose for which our God has led us to Omega.  If we use the fraternity as a means for serving and loving mankind, we uphold the second greatest commandment.  Love your neighbor as yourself. 

The question I have for each of you is simple:  What will this generation’s legacy be?

Thursday, May 14, 2015

To commemorate the 30th anniversary of the chartering of the Beta Delta Delta
Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity at James Madison University (JMU), the Love BDD Foundation, Inc. sponsored a "Labor of Love" weekend on April 17-19, 2015, in Harrisonburg, VA (the birthplace of Bishop Edgar A. Love, co-founder of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity). The highlight of the weekend was the unveiling of a Virginia Department of Historic Resources highway marker at John Wesley United Methodist Church on April 18, 2015. Bishop Love’s son (Bro. Jon E. Love) and family and Ms. Thelma White (Bishop Love’s secretary), joined members of the Harrisonburg, JMU, and Omega Psi Phi communities for this memorable event.

This video was shot and edited by Bro. Jeffrey Wallace, Beta Delta Delta Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity

Friday, May 8, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

Mother's Day is remembrance day
And we pause on the path of the year
To pay honor and worshipful tribute
To the mother our heart holds dear . . .

For, whether here, or in heaven,
Here love is our haven and guide,
For always the memory of mother
Is a beacon light shining inside . . .

Time cannot destroy her memory
And years can never erase
The tenderness and the beauty
Of the love in a mother's face . . .

And, when we think of our mother,
We draw nearer to God above,
For only God in His greatness
Could fashion a Mother's love.  

By Helen Steiner Rice

Happy Mother's Day!